Broadcasting in spin networks
Martí Cuquet.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona. MSc thesis. 2008.
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We present an implementation of N to M quantum broadcasting of mixed qubits in the equatorial plane in an unmodulated spin network. The broadcasting transformation is performed by the time evolution of the network. We focus in the XX Hamiltonian because its appropriate symmetry in the XY plane and its easy physical implementation. We study two scenarios with different initial state of the network: one in a pure state |M/2,m> and the other in the tensor product of maximally mixed states. We also focus in the 3 to 4 scenario, where in principle perfect phase covariant broadcasting is possible.
title = {Broadcasting in spin networks},
author = {Cuquet, Mart{\'{\i}}},
school = {Universitat Polit{\`{e}}cnica de Catalunya},
year = {2008},
type = {MSc thesis},